7. November 2015

Chapel Underground Dungeon (Lv 50+)

Attack, attack, attack
Another one bites to dust
Attack, attack, attack
Another one bites to dust

Our experience in the first dungeon

I always loved dungeons. Exploring an separate area within the bigger story of a game. Fighting strong enemies with a party of your choice. Having a balanced team composition with damagedealer, healer and tank. That's how I imaged the first dungeon to be - and I indeed got my fair share of that. But somehow I was still disappointed. 

The very first dungeon in Tree of Savior can be found at level 50 in front of the Tenet Chapel Entrance. The dubbed Chapel Underground Dungeon consist of known enemies we have met in the earlier  stages of the game when we were grinding/questing from level 40+ with the twist of them having way way more health. It's kind of disappointing that there is nothing more to them. The interior design of the dungeon is quite flat as could just go a straight line to the boss himself.

I thought there would be some puzzles to be solved first. Like activating key altars to unlock pathways or jumping puzzles. Anything that could remotely be seen as obstacle. But there is nothing. Just a bunch of enemies you could ignore while running to the boss, who is luckily somebody we didn't encounter before. He did have some special moves that could be a problem but he never accomplished to wipe us all at the same time (we did that Dungeon at least 5 times).

Overall it was quite disappointing for me. The only good thing that comes out of the dungeon is the experience gain you get while killing the lesser enemies. Otherwise there were no significant drops or monetary gain in the Chapel Underground Dungeon. 

Tip of the day: Be sure to have a Linker in your team. It makes the big healthbar of the enemies look like a joke.

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