26. Oktober 2015

The Pre Tree of Savior Beta Blogpost

Everything has a beginning.
Every story in history and every sausage ever made 
and so does this blog.

Welcome to Blog of Savior!

We are proud to introduce you to our sweet, new Blog and hope you enjoy our articels as much as we enjoy writing them.First things first: Who are we?

My name is Llwelyn. I’m a huge game nerd, photography enthusiast, foodporn director and hobby artist. My favorite games of all times are those of the Legend of Zelda series and Life is Strange in particular at the moment. I don’t need huge open world games when I have one good written story with a nice gameplay. The Last of Us comes to my mind when I think of my ideal game and of course I do love the Last of Us too! Though I have always been playing MMO’s. I fondly remember my time in Flyff, Tera and Ragnarok Online. Not because of the games in particular but rather because of the fun I had playing with friends. I’ve been basicly playing all kinds of games since ever. And by the way - since I literally live in the internet you can write me on Twitter @BlogOfSavior or catch me on Twitch on www.twitch.tv/llwelyn.

I like to play games and I like to write stuff. So hey listen! Here I am combining those two elements with my lovely buddy Chibizilla. :)

Hello fellow Tree of Savior fans,

I am Chibizilla. Born in the ‘90s and since my birth been into gaming. I study IT, live in germany, love cooking, baking, hanging out with my lovely friends and also have a lot of other hobbies you might or might not find interesting. I enjoy drawing, both traditionally and digitally, if I get asked to stream you might even catch me online on twitch, right here: www.twitch.tv/chibiziiia/.

When I am not surfing the internet or chat with friends I am usually writing. I love poems and long fantasy stories, so if I am not reading them, I try to write them for myself. I am currently trying to finish a bigger project of mine which is already several hundred pages long, but sadly in german language. Stories in which you can dream yourself into are most enjoyable to me, since I’m somewhat a daydreamer. That is also an aspect I like in good MMORPGs, if the dialogs and the background story are well written, you can definitely get the feeling of the world you are currently playing in. So Tree of Savior might be interesting for me as an inspirational source for my short stories as well.

One day I hope to be able to work in the gaming industry myself, being able to inspire people and make them think is what makes it challenging. I would not mind any job that comes with it, may it be backend, frontend or even the story behind the game or the overall project management. From a player perspective I always liked the good old Final Fantasy games. With Final Fantasy 8 being my all time favorite game ever. With the years I played myself through several game types: MOBA, shooter, point and click, but somehow ended up with multiplayer games. GTA, FF, AC, name a big title and I have at least looked into it.

When it comes to MMO there was only Ragnarok Online 1 which kept me interested for a long time. But while I am at it, here is a list of what I have played: Flyff, WoW, Cabal Online, Tera, Aion, Ragnarok Online 1 +2, Aura Kingdom, Dragonica, LotGD (indeed more a role play browser game) and i have always been waiting for Blade & Soul to make it to the western market, since it always looked promising. I hope this was enough to have a good overview of who I am, since I do not want to fill the whole blog with my introduction. Let us have a good time together and welcome again to our new blog! (◕‿◕)♥ 

So what is this blog going to be about? Definitely not Tree of Savior. Wait what?! No, jokes aside. Of course we are going to play the second closed beta of Tree of Savior! It’s a Korean MMORPG made by IMCGAMES. Let us summarize some facts about them:

They are known for making Granado Espada which is quite a good game back then when it was released. Currently it holds 66 out of 100 points at metacritic while the most prominent points of 90 were given by PC Gamer. They are also developing Wolfsknight and made 2 mobile games called Black Citadel - a game which is downloadable for Apple IOS - and Solitaire League but that's not why our guests are here right?

Tree of Savior is what you are here for and we’re going to write down our everyday impressions of the 30 day long european close beta!  And by the way: since we were both fans of Ragnarok Online we are pleased to hear that the head developer Kim Hakkyu is the same who lead the development of RO back then! The only reason he left was because arguments against the ingame cashshop. We are basicly safe from pay2win! We are hyped up and can't wait to log in! And who knows - we might see each other at the start in Klaipeda! :)

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