16. Mai 2016

Elementalist and Collections

The scent of grass 
Magic missles soar
You have been hit!
Oh! What a Childhood!


Hi guys and girls! 

I was busy exploring the wizard, archer and cleric tree, just to find out that I love wizards. After experiencing the power of swordsman I wanted to have a character that is able to merge into almost any party and also not be underwhelming.
So first my thoughts on archer and cleric. Archer I found to be really fun in the early levels. It feels really strong but falls a bit off later into the game. For the cleric I wanted to make a full support type and later switch to oracle. What made me turn away from cleric was a bug in the itemdistribution system during early release, where you would not get any items if you played full support. I don`t know if IMC fixed this yet or made it a feature. :^) 

I think that because of a reason. While I am at it, I will actually explain what this is about.
So far I have turned in 4 support tickets. Two for team name change, one for lost starting TP and one for team size, since one slot was occupied by the pet. The team name issue was solved easily, since everyone had it. My TP were not refunded, even though I did not use them, which I find really harsh. I think the issue with the teamsize is what they actually turned from a bug into a feature, because when I first submitted a ticket I saw that there was an issue with the pet taking up one character slot. They even announced it on their own website. A few days ago I asked what happened to it and got the answer that it was actually supposed like that, which seems a bit dishonest to me, but I won`t judge, because I obviously can`t know the details and I also did not invest too much time into researching this. But overall I feel a bit disappointed with all the replies, even though the support team answered really fast, which I think is a good thing. I am mostly sad because of the lost TP, which makes me think less good of IMC overall. Also the prices of the real money-shop are horrible, you could argue that it is at least not pay to win, since those exp tomes barely do anything, but still, I think it would be smarter to lower the costs, so more people would buy something. But guess that is not a popular opinion. I think this makes me think of IMC as a more greedy company and usually that`s not too healthy for a game. Maybe I will ask if I can transfer an item, I bought with TP on a diffrent server can be transferd to another server. That probably will not be possible. Worth a try none the less.     

Ok, that was my little rant, now back to where I left off. After I left the cleric behind I switched to wizard. This time on a new server, fresh start, hooray!
My planned classes are as following. 3 times Wizard, 3 times Elementalist and one time Warlock for a late game damage build with lots of AoE (Area of Effect damage). So far it is fairly easy. You have a good amount of damage and nice SP reg. My stat distribution is 1 CON every 2 SPR and 4 INT. In the beginning I went only with the 4 INT and 2 SPR and only added more CON when I felt that surving got more difficult. For Wizard I went with Magic Missle, which is really strong. the other spells seem not that important to me, but one really needs the Quick Cast, which has an attribute that gives a 50%+ on your dmg. I also went for a level 10 reflect shield, since I felt it might help solo leveling. 

For Elementalist I am rolling with Electrocute lvl 15, Hail lvl 10, Prominence lvl 5, Meteor lvl 10 and Rain lvl 5. I like Prominence a lot, but I feel like it lacks reliability. Sometimes you hit a mob of monsters and sometimes you hit nothing, which makes it a nice combination with Hail, since I feel the same way about that skill, but Electrocute is what I am mainly using anyway. It does not only look great, but also deal some reasonable damage.
With that I got a solid AoE build with some obvious flaws, but strong damage. It is basically a glass canon build, that is not very difficult to pull off, since you just one-shot everythign while grinding. 

Right now i am level 131 and I must say that was not very hard to reach with wizard, while I struggled a lot with archer around these levels. We are not even talking about swordsmans here, because if you want something easy to play just take that. It is called haha-man in korea for a reason. During the first few weeks of the early realease 9 out of the top 10 players on the server I played on have been swordsman. I think the last one was a wizard.

Rushing to max level, which is right now 280 - and going to be 600 - can definitely be fun, but after some hours I learned that I don`t think that it`s the right way to play this game. ToS is a nice game if you want to relax after work and shut down from the stress of the day.
Exploring is really rewarding in this game. Every map has a collection you can farm. Those collections give you diffrent benefits. I only got a few collections yet, but got a total of the following stats:

crit res +1,  sp +54, hp + 260, crit rate +2, mdef + 2, evasion +1, accuracy +1, sp reg +3 , magic amplification + 4, hp reg +5, matk+ 4, def +1, atk + 2

So how does it work? 
First of all find one of the collections in a map of your choice. Here is a list of the collections on the first few maps. The numbers next to the links show the level of the map, since it is all in korean that is the only thing you can look out for. The first few maps are the Orsha maps, the later ones are from Klaipeda. 

Click me :3 

After finding one of the collections of your choice go to the Magic Association NPC in either Klaipeda or Orsha.  


 After inserting the collection you can proceed to add items into the collections. A few collections you will get from the main quests, all others have to be farmed on specific maps. 

Some items you can find on multiple maps, so it is worth to keep them and later see if you can insert them. The amount of needed items is around 3-9. Even though the benefits will look small in the beginning they do add up, since oyu can also gain the benefits on your other team characters.

As a small recap I can say, Elementalist is a lot of fun in dungeon groups and solo farming as well as in parties. Farming collections is well designed and adds to the fun of the grind. 

I wish you a lot of fun in the world of Tree of Savior ;) See you around!